By using our Services, you accept and agree to the practices described in this Policy. If you do not agree with this Policy, please do not use the Services or provide us with any Personal Information (as defined below).

Personal Information

For purposes of this Policy, unless otherwise required by applicable law, “Personal Information” means any information that (directly or indirectly) identifies, relates to, describes, or is reasonably capable of being associated, linked or linkable with a particular individual or household, including any information that is subject to applicable data protection laws.


This Policy applies to our collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information related to the users of our Services, and applies to all users of our Services.

Collection of Personal Information

The Personal Information we collect varies depending upon the nature of the Services provided or used and our interactions with individuals.

Categories of Personal Information. While the Personal Information we collect varies depending upon the circumstances, we may collect the following categories of Personal Information (subject to applicable legal requirements and restrictions):

Sources of Personal Information. We may collect Personal Information about individuals: